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The dates below are current as of 8/22/24
September 3, 5-6
October 1
November 9-10
December 11
January 15
January 16
January 21-22
February 14
February 21-22
February 24-26
March 11
March 20
March 28
April TBD
May 9
May 14
May 15
May 21
May 22
Bailey Singers Auditions
NC Honors Chorus Auditions
NC Honors Chorus
Wingate Honors Auditions
Winter Concert Rehearsal
Winter Concert
All-County Auditions
Wingate Honors Chorus
CMS All-County Chorus
NC All-State Auditions
MPA Rehearsal
MPA Rehearsal
NC All-State Chorus
Musical Theatre Rehearsal
Musical Theatre Performance
Spring Concert Rehearsal
Spring Concert
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